Analytical Study of the Quran

$0.00 / month for 9 months

Age Group: Age 15+ years
Language: Bilingual – Urdu/English

Ongoing – Every Sunday 11AM CENTRAL (U.S.)
Other Time Zones
Taught By Dr. Shehzad Saleem

There is no Google Classroom for this course. Meeting links, reminders, recordings, as well as any class material will be shared in a WhatsApp group

Course Description

In this comprehensive course we compare the interpretations of the Farahi school and the traditional school regarding selected passages of the Quran. Every week Dr. Shehzad Saleem discusses a passage of the Quran, the traditional understanding of that passage, the Farahi school understanding of that passage, and on what grounds does the Farahi school differ from the traditional school. Students are encouraged to engage in discussions and also ask questions.

Registration Closed

SKU: ASQ0921-SU-1112 Category: