Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
Meanings of Difficult Words
Many find Javed Ahmed Ghamidi’s vocabulary too complex for everyday understanding. Here’s a dictionary of difficult Urdu words he and other scholars often use.
Word | Definition |
aa'ilee qanoon / عائلی قانون | family law |
aaeen / آئین | constitution |
Aam-o-Khaas / عام و خاص | General and Specific |
aamriyat / آمریت | dictatorship |
aarzi / عارضی | temporary, transitional |
abadi / ابدی | eternal, permanent |
adab / ادب | literature |
adl / عدل | justice |
aizzah wa aqarib / اعزواقارب | close relations |
akhz / اخذ | adaptation / derive |
aksariyat / اکثریت | majority |
Al-Muwāfaqāt (Shāṭibī) / الموافقات (شاطبی) | Al-Muwafaqat (Shatibi's book) |
Al-Risālah (Shāfiʿī) / الرسالہ (شافعی) | Al-Risalah (Shafi'i's book) |
alambardaar / علم بردار | leader |
Almiya / المیہ | Tragedy |
Āmādah / آمادہ | Prepared, willing |
Amr (Awāmir) / امر ( + اوامر ) | Command(s) |
Amr (Ulul-Amr) / امر (اولی الامر) | Command (Those in Authority) |
amuman / عموماً | usually |
Andesha / اندیشہ | Concern / Worry |
Aqeedah / عقیدہ | Belief |
aqwaam e muttehada / اقوام متحدہ | united nations |
araa / آراء | opinions (plural of rae) |
Arabi Moalla / عربی معلیٰ | Classical Arabic |
Asaas /اساس | Foundation / Basis |
Asal (Usool) / اصل (اصول) | Origin / Principle (Principles) |
asloob / اسلوب | tariqa, style |
asraat / اثرات | effects (plural of asar) |
ataee / عطائ | quack |
Āthār / آثار | Remnants, traces |
Āyat-e Baḥth / آیۂ بحث | Verse under discussion |
aziyaat / اذیت | torture |
azkaar / اذکار | plural of zikr/ Phrases (particularly said in prayers) |
baatil / باطل | falsehood |
bad diyaanati / بد دیانتی | dishonesty |
bahaesiyati majmui / بحیثیت مجموعی | in total; considering all things |
bahami / باہمی | mutual |
Baḥth wa Nizāʿ / بحث و نزاع | Debate and conflict |
bainul aqwaami / بین الاقوامی | international |
bairooni / بیرونی | foreign |
Bait / بیعت | Allegiance |
Bala Dasti / بالا دستی | Supremacy |
Bāqiyāt / باقیات | Remnants, remaining |
bar aks / برعکس | opposite |
baseerat / بصیرت | insight, perception |
Bātinī Ḥawās / باطنی حواس | Inner senses |
Bayaniyah (Jawabi Bayaniyah) / بیانیہ (جوابی بیانیہ) | Narrative (Counter-Narrative) |
Bina-e-Istidlal / بِناے استدلال | Basis of Argument / Reasoning |
daaee / داعی | person who engages in dawah; missionary |
daaera / دائرہ | circle, limits |
Dabistan (Dabistan-e-Shibli) / دبستان (دبستانِ شبلی) | School (e.g., Shibli's School of Thought) |
Dainoonat / دینونت | Judgment |
Dākhilī Taẓād / دَاخلِی تضاد | Internal contradiction |
Danish (Ilm-o-Danish) / دانش (علم و دانش) | Wisdom (Knowledge and Wisdom) |
Dar-o-Bast / در و بست | Cohesion / Unity |
Dastāwīzī Shahādat / دستاویزی شہادت | Documentary evidence |
Dāʾira-e Iṭlāq / دائرۂ اطلاق | Scope of application |
Dīnūnat-e Sughrā / دینونتِ صغریٰ | Minor reckoning |
Discourse / ڈسکورس | Discourse |
ehtejaaj / احتجاج | protest |
fahem / فہم | comprehend |
fanni / فنّی | technicality |
Far' (Furu') / فرع (فروع) | Branch (Branches) |
fareeza / فریضہ | duty |
farokht / فروخت | to sell |
Fasaad (Fasaad fil Arz) / فساد (فساد فی الارض) | Corruption / Mischief (Corruption in the land) |
Fatwā / فتویٰ | Religious decree |
Fikr (Afkaar) / فکر (افکار) | Thought / Idea (Thoughts) |
fikri / فکری | intellectual |
Fitrat (Bayan-e-Fitrat) / فطرت (بیانِ فطرت) | Nature (Explanation of Nature) |
fitri / فطری | as per fitrat / natural |
funoone lateefa / فنون لطیفہ | fine arts |
Furqān (Kasūṭī) / فرقان (کسوٹی) | Criterion (measure) |
ghalba / غلبہ | dominance, prevalence |
girdopesh / گردوپیش | all around |
hadaf / ہدف | goal, target, object |
Hadd (Hudood-o-Tazirat) / حد (حدود و تعزیرات) | Limit / Boundary (Limits and Punishments) |
Hal-o-Aqd (Arbab-e-Hal-o-Aqd) / حل و عقد (اربابِ حل و عقد) | Decision-Making / Resolution (Decision-Makers) |
hamahang / ہم آہنگ | assonance, matching |
hassaas / حساس | susceptible /sensitive |
hawaas / حواس | senses |
Hikmat (Qanoon-o-Hikmat) / حکمت (قانون و حکمت) | Wisdom (Law and Wisdom) |
idraak / ادراک | mental capacity to understand complex details |
ifhaam / افہام | understanding |
Ihyaa / احیاء | Revival or renewal |
ijaad / ایجاد | invent |
ijma / اجماع | consensus |
Ijmal / اجمال | Summary / Conciseness |
ijtehaad / اجتہاد | independent reasoning |
ijtemaa / اجتماع | grouping, public |
ikhtesaar / اختصار | abbreviation |
Ikhtilaf / اختلاف | Difference / Disagreement |
ikhtiyaar / اختیار | authority |
ilhaam / الہام | Devine message |
Illat / علت | Cause / Reason |
Ilm-e-Kalam / علمِ کلام | Theology |
Imām wa Faqīh / امام و فقیہ | Religious leader and jurist |
Imarat / اِمارت | Leadership / Emirate |
infiraadi / انفرادی | individual |
inhiraaf / انحراف | going against |
Intiha Pasandi / انتہا پسندی | Extremism |
intikhabaat / انتخابات | elections |
inzaar / انذار | warn |
iqamat / اقامت | establish |
iqdamaat / اقدامات | taking action/steps |
iqtidaar / اقتدار | power |
Irtikaab / ارتکاب | Commission (of an act) |
irtiqa / ارتقاء | evolution |
islah / اصلاح | reform |
istefada / استفادہ | benefit |
istelah / اصطلاح | terminology |
istidlaal / استدلال | argument |
Istidlāl / استدلال | Deductive reasoning |
Istidlāl / استدلال | Deductive reasoning |
Istifada / استفادہ | Benefit / Use |
Istifham / استفہام | Inquiry / Interrogation |
Istihqaq / استحقاق | Entitlement |
istihsaal / استحصال | exploit |
Istihsal / استحصال | Exploitation |
Istikhrājī Istidlāl / استخراجی استدلال | Deductive reasoning |
istimbaaat / استنباط | derive |
istiqra / استقراء | inductive reasoning |
Istiqrāʾī Manṭiq / استقرائی منطق | Inductive reasoning |
Istiqsa / استقصا | Investigation / Thorough Examination |
istisna / استثناء | exception |
istita'at / استطاعت | capability/capacity |
itaa'at / اطاعت | obey |
Itlaq (Itlaqaat) / اطلاق (اطلاقات) | Application (Applications) |
izaafi / اضافی | additional |
izteraab / اضطراب | anxiety |
Jabr / جبر | Compulsion / Coercion |
Jadeed Zehn / جدید ذہن | Modern Mindset |
Jāhilī Adab / جاہلی ادب | Pre-Islamic (ignorant) literature |
Jāhilī ʿArab / جاہلی عرب | Pre-Islamic Arabs |
jalwat\khalwat / جلوت خلوت | public/solitude |
Jamal-o-Kamal / جمال و کمال | Beauty and Perfection |
Jamaliyati His / جمالیاتی حس | Aesthetic sense |
Jamhoor (Jamhoori Nizam) / جمہور (جمہوری نظام) | Majority / Democratic System |
jamhoori / جمہوری | democratic |
jamme ghafeer / جم غفیر | a large group |
jaraim / جرائم | plural of jurm/crimes |
Jaza-o-Saza / جزا و سزا | Reward and Punishment |
Jibillat / جبلت | Instinct |
Jila Watni / جلا وطنی | Exile |
jumood / جمود | pause, passivity |
juzziyaat / جزیات | details |
kareena / قرینہ | point |
kashf / کشف | vision |
Khair-o-Shar / خیر و شر | Good and Evil |
Khaṭā / خطا | Error |
khayroshar/خیر وشر | good and bad |
Khor-o-Nosh / خور و نوش | Food and Drink |
Khurooj (Baghawat) / خروج (بغاوت) | Rebellion / Insurrection |
Lā Muḥālah / لا مُحالہ | Inevitably |
Laiha-e-Amal / لائحہ عمل | Plan of Action |
lazawaal / لاذوال | never ending |
libaada / لبادہ | cover/cloth |
maaddah / مادہ | matter |
Maakhaz / Marja' / ماخذ / مرجع | Source / Reference |
maaroof / معروف | common, commonly known |
maazi/mustaqbil / ماضی/ مستقبل | past and future |
Mabhas (Mabahis) / مبحث (مباحث) | Discourse / Discussion (Discourses) |
madaar / مدار | orbit |
Madrasa-e-Fikr / Maktab-e-Fikr / مدرسۂ فکر / مکتبِ فکر | School of Thought |
maftooh / مفتوح | conquer |
maghrib / مغرب | west |
Mahal (Mauqa-o-Mahal) / محل (موقع و محل) | Context (Occasion and Context) |
Maḥall-e Ijtihād / محلِ اجتہاد | Place for independent reasoning (Ijtihad) |
Maḥall-e Naẓar / محلِ نظر | Place for consideration |
Maḥall-e Tadabbur / محلِ تدبر | Place for contemplation |
Maḥdhūf / محذوف | Omitted |
maishat / معیشت | economics |
Majmūʿa-e Taẓādāt / مجموعۂ تضادات | Collection of contradictions |
Maktūb (Khaṭ) / مکتوب (خط) | Written (letter) |
malhooz / ملحوظ | regard |
malookiyat / ملوکیت | monarchy |
mamba / منبع | source |
manfi / منفی | negative |
Manhaj-e-Fikr / منہجِ فکر | Methodology of thought or intellectual approach |
Manṣa-e Shuhūd / منصۂ شہود | Stage of witnessing |
mansab / منصب | designation |
mansha / منشاء | intention |
Manshoor / منشور | Manifesto |
mansooba / منصوبہ | plans |
Mansūkh / منسوخ | The abrogated (old law) |
mantiq / منطق | logic |
maqasid / مقاصد | plural of maqsad |
marahil / مراحل | stages, steps |
marasim / مراسم | relations |
Marboot / مربوط | Connected or integrated |
marhala / مرحلہ | stage station |
markaz / مرکز | centered/focus |
maroobiyat / مرعوبیت | influence |
Maroof-o-Munkar / معروف و منکر | Right and Wrong / Good and Evil |
maruziyat / معروضیت | objectivity |
masaael / مسائل | problems |
mashriq / مشرق | east |
Masraḥ-e ʿĀlam / مسرحِ عالم | World stage |
Matn (Matn-e-Hadith) / متن (متنِ حدیث) | Text (Text of Hadith) |
Matn-e-Hadith / متنِ حدیث | The textual content of a Hadith |
Mau'izat / موعظت | Admonition |
Mauzoon / موزوں | Suitable / Appropriate |
Mauzu' / موضوع | Subject / Topic |
Mawqif / موقف | Stance, position |
Mawẓūʿī / موضوعی | Subjective |
mazeed / مزید | more |
mazmoon / مضمون | common topic |
Maʾmūr Min Allāh / مامور من اللہ | Appointed by God |
Maʿrūẓī / معروضی | Objective |
minhaaj / منہاج | way, path, program |
Minhaj / منہاج | Methodology |
miraas / میراث | inheritance, heritage, legacy |
moajze / معجزہ | miracles |
mohaqqiq / محقق | researcher |
mu'aashrat / معاشرت | social |
muaashirat / معاشرت | society |
muaashra / معاشرہ | society |
muamma / معمہ | puzzle |
mubaadi / مبادی | core |
Mubahasah / مباحثہ | Discussion |
Mubarrahan / مبرہن | Demonstrated, proven |
mubayyana / مبینہ | allegedly |
Mubham (Ibham) / مبہم (ابہام) | Ambiguous (Ambiguity) |
mufakkir / مفکر | thinker (fikr karne waala) |
muhaafiz / محافظ | guardian |
muhaqqiq / محقق | researcher |
Muḥkamāt / محکمات | Clear verses |
Muḥṣanah / محصنہ | Chaste woman |
mujtahideen / مجتہدین | people who do ijtehaad |
Mukāfāt / مکافات | Retribution |
Mukalama / مکالمہ | Dialogue |
mukallaf / مکلف | accountable (religiously) |
Mukāshafah / مکاشفہ | Revelation |
mukhaatibeen / مخاطبین | audience |
Munazara / مناظرہ | Debate |
munazzam / منظم | organize |
munsif / منصف | judge |
muntakhab / منتخب | elected |
murattab / مرتب | put in order |
musallam مسلّم | whole/complete |
musbat / مثبت | positive |
mushaahida / مشاہدہ | observation |
mustanad / مستند | authentic |
mustasna / مستثناء | exempt/exception |
mutaala / مطالعہ | study |
mutaalaba / مطالبہ | demand |
mutaiyyan / متعین | pin point/identify |
Mutashābihāt / متشابہات | Ambiguous verses |
Mutawazi / متوازی | Parallel |
muyassar / میسر | available |
Muzakara / مذاکرہ | Deliberation |
muzammat / مذمت | censure |
muzmar / مضمر | hidden, concealed |
naafiz / نافذ | implement |
nafi / نفی | negate |
nafs / نفس | mind, soul |
Nafsiyaat (Nafsiyati Mas'alah) / نفسیات (نفسیاتی مسئلہ) | Psychology (Psychological Issue) |
Nafsiyātī Tajziyah / نفسیاتی تجزیہ | Psychological analysis |
naguzeer / ناگزیر | inevitable |
Nahī (Nawāhī) / نواہی (نہی) | Prohibition(s) |
namudaar / نمودار | appear |
Naqd wa Jarḥ / نقد و جرح | Criticism and evaluation |
Naqd-o-Nazar ki Classical Riwayat / نقد و نظر کی کلاسیکی روایت | The classical tradition of critique and analysis |
Naql (Aql-o-Naql) / نقل (عقل و نقل) | Tradition (Reason and Tradition) |
Nāsiḵ / ناسخ | The abrogator (new law) |
natamaam / ناتمام | incomplete |
Nateejah-e-Fikr (Nataij) / نتیجۂ فکر (نتائج) | Conclusion / Outcome (Outcomes) |
nauiyat / نوعیت | characteristic/category |
Nazm-e-Ijtimai / نظمِ اجتماعی | Social Order |
Nazm-e-Kalaam / نظم کلام | Structure of Speech / Order of Discourse / Coherence |
Nazm-o-tarteeb / نظم و ترتیب | Order and arrangement |
nifaaz / نفاذ | implementation |
nisar / نثار | sacrifice |
Nizaam / نظامِ | System |
nizameshamsi / نظامِ شمسی | solar system |
numaindagi / نمائندگی | representation |
nuqta e nazar / نقطۂ نظر | point of view |
Nuzūlī Tartīb / نزولی ترتیب | Descending order |
paamaal / پامال | beaten, crushed |
Parwardigār / پروردگار | Lord, Sustainer |
peshangoi / پیشین گوئ | prediction/forecast |
qabaeli / قبائلی | tribal |
Qaḥbah / قحبہ | Prostitute |
Qaim Shudah / قائم شدہ | Established |
Qānūnī Ḥaysiyat / قانونی حیثیت | Legal status |
Qānūnī Sanad / قانونی سند | Legal document |
Qareena / قرینہ | point |
Qat'i / Hatmi / قطعی / حتمی | Definitive / Final |
Qat’i al-Dalala / قطعی الدلالہ | Definitive Evidence |
Qat‘i li-Ghairihi / قطعی لغیرہٖ | Definitive through corroboration (a source or evidence that gains certainty through association with definitive evidence) |
Qatl-e Nafs / قتلِ نفس | Killing of the soul/self (suicide) |
Qaum (Aqwam) / قوم (اقوام) | Nation (Nations) |
qawaneen / قوانین (قانون کی جمع) | laws |
qeh-qaha uraana / قہقہہ اڑانا | laugh or mock others/ |
qillat / قلت | deficiency |
Qitaal (Jihad-o-Qitaal) / قتال (جہاد و قتال) | Fighting (Jihad and Combat) |
qiyadat / قیادت | leadership |
Qiyās / قیاس | Analogical reasoning |
rabubiyat / ربوبیت | god's provision |
raddeamal / ردِّعمل | reaction |
rahnuma / رہنما | guide/leader |
Rai (Araa) / راے (آراء) | Opinion (Opinions) |
Rasikh (Rusuukh) / راسخ (رسوخ) | Firm / Established (Establishment) |
Riwayat (Hadith, Tareekhi Riwayat) / روایت (حدیث، تاریخی روایت) | Narration (Hadith, Historical Narration) |
Riwayat / Riwayati Fikr / روایت / روایتی فکر | Tradition / Traditional Thought |
roz marra / روز مرّہ | matter of everyday |
Sa'ee / سعی | Effort / Struggle |
Sadd-e Rāh / سد راہ | Obstruction |
Sadd-e-Zariya / سد ذریعہ | Prevention of Means |
sahaafi / صحافی | journalist |
saiyaara / سیارہ | planet |
sakhtiyati lisaniyat / ساختی لسانیت | structural linguistics |
salaah / اصلاح | order (opposite of fasaad)/correction |
saleebi jung / صلیبی جنگ | crusade |
Sanihah / سانحہ | Incident / Catastrophe |
saqafti / ثقافتی | traditional |
Sar Rishta / سر رشتہ | Link / Connection |
Sarguzasht (Sarguzasht-e-Inzaar) / سرگذشت (سرگزشت انذار) | Story / Account (Story of Warning) |
Ṣawāb / صواب | Correctness |
Saʿādat / سعادت | Blessedness, success |
Seerat-o-Sawaneh / سیرت و سوانح | Life and Biography |
shaad / شاد | happy |
shaaz / شاذ | rare |
shaistagi / شائستگی | politely |
Shajar-e Mamnūʿah / شجرِ ممنوعہ | Forbidden tree |
Shaʿāʾir / شعائر | Sacred symbols |
sifaat / صفات | qualities |
sifaati / صفاتی | qualitative |
sinf / صنف | genre |
Siyaaq-o-Sabaq / سیاق و سباق | Context |
Sunnat (Sunnat-e-Ilahi) / سنت (سنتِ الہی) | Divine Sunnah, Dealings and Practices of God |
Sunnat (Sunnat-e-Mutawatera) / سنت (سنتِ متواترہ) | Sunnah (Continuous Sunnah) |
Ṣuʿūdī Tartīb / صعودی ترتیب | Ascending order |
Ta'ameer (Ta'ameer-e-Shakhsiyat) / تعمیر (تعمیرِ شخصیت) | Development / Construction (Personality Development) |
Ta’weel / تاویل | Interpretation |
taabeer / تعبیر | interpretation |
taaveel / تاویل | reasoning |
taazeeb / تعذیب | punish |
Tabeer-e-No / تعبیرِ نو | New Interpretation |
Tabyeen-o-Tafheem / تبیین و تفہیم | Explanation and Understanding |
tadabbur / تدبر | observe deeply, investigate, ponder |
Tadeeb (Aurat ki Tadeeb) / تادیب (عورت کی تادیب) | Discipline / Correction (Discipline of a woman) |
tadreeji / تدریجی | gradually |
Tadween / تدوین | Compilation |
taeed / تائید | concur |
tafheem / تفہیم | explanation |
Tafseel / تفصیل | Detail |
Tag wa Do (Saʿī) / تگ و دو (سعی) | Struggle and effort |
taghaiuur / تغير | change |
tahaffuz / تحفظ | protection/safety |
taham / تاہم | therefore |
tahammul / تحمل | tolerance |
tahreek / تحریک | movement |
tahreer / تحریر | composition, writing |
Tahẕībī Riwāyat / تہذیبی روایت | Cultural tradition |
tajaweez / تجویز تجاویز | proposal |
Tajdeed-o-Islah / تجدید و اصلاح | Renewal and Reform |
tajziya / تجزیہ | examination, analysis |
takallum / تکلم | speaking/communication |
Takfeer / تکفیر | Declaration of Disbelief (Excommunication in religious context) |
takhleeq / تخلیق | creation |
Taleef (Jumlay ki Taleef) / تالیف (جملے کی تالیف) | Composition (Composition of sentences) |
talkeen / تلقین | advice |
tamaddun / تمدّن | civilization |
Tamaddunī Ḥālat / تمدنی حالت | Civilizational state |
tamheed / تمہید | preface |
tamseel / تمثیل | allegory, drama |
tanaasub / تناسب | harmony/proportion |
tanaazur / تناظر | perspective |
Tanqeed / تنقید | Criticism |
Tanqeeh / تنقیح | Revision / Refinement |
Tansīkh / تنسیخ | Abrogation |
tanzeem / تنظیم | organization |
taqaddus / تقدّس | sanctity, holiness |
taqarrur / تقرّر | appoint |
Taqleed / تقلید | Imitation / Following (in a traditional sense) |
Taqreer-o-Tasweeb / تقریر و تصویب | Speech and Approval |
taraddud / تردّد | irresolution |
tarmeem / ترمیم | amend, renovate |
tarteeb / ترتیب | order, structure |
tasaadum / تصادم | conflict, collision, clash |
tasavvur / تصوّر | imagination/perception |
Tasawwuf / تصوف | Sufism |
tashaddud / تشدّد | violence/violence |
Tashkeel-e-Jadeed / تشکیلِ جدید | Reformation / Reconstruction |
tashrihi / تشریحی | analytical |
tashvish / تشویش | suspense, suspicion |
Tat'awwuh / تطوع | Voluntary Act |
Tatheer (Tatheer-e-Badan) / تطہیر (تطہیرِ بدن) | Purification (Purification of the Body) |
tatheer / تطہیر | purification |
tauzeeh / توضیح | elaborate, clarify, investigate |
tawanaai / توانائ | energy |
tawatur / تواتر | perpetuation; continual adherance |
tawazun / توازن | balance, equality |
tazkeer / تذکیر | repetition of words/ doing zikr |
tazkiya / تزکیہ | purification |
tehreek / تحریک | movement |
Toam / توام | Twin |
uloom / علوم | knowledge (ilm) |
Ummahat-e-Kutub / امہاتِ کتب | Primary / Foundational Books |
umoomi / عمومی | common |
unsar / عنصر | atom/portion |
usloob / اسلوب | style/diction/way |
waazey / واضح | clear |
wajdaan / وجدان | intuition |
Worldview / ورلڈ ویوو | Worldview |
zaabta / ضابطہ | discipline/constitution/law |
Ẓāhirī Ḥawās / ظاہری حواس | Outer senses |
zahoor / ظہور | zaahir hona, appear |
zakheeray / ذخیرہ | storage |
zanni/dhanni / ظنّی | unverifiable |
Zanni Maakhiz / ظنی مآخذ | Probabilistic or conjectural sources |
Zauq / ذوق | Taste / Appreciation (often of art or beauty) |
zawabit-e qudrat / ضوابط قدرت | natural laws |
Zehn / ذہن | Mind |
ʿĀlam-e Ru'yā / عالمِ رؤیا | The world of dreams |
ʿAmal-e Ṣāliḥ / عملِ صالح | Righteous deed |
ʿĀmiyānah Taqlīd / عامیانہ تقلید | Blind imitation |
ʿAṭf wa Maʿṭūf / عطف و معطوف | Conjunction and its conjunct |
اتمام حجت/itmaam e hujjat | completion of proof |
If you find any words in this list that are not defined correctly, or think that some other words should be made part of this list, please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know.