Dr. Shehzad Saleem Programs & Courses

Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning

About Dr. Shehzad Saleem

Dr Shehzad Saleem is an Islamic researcher and holds a Ph.D. in the History of the Quran from the University of Wales, UK. He studied religion under the tutelage of Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and is currently a Research Fellow of Al-Mawrid. Dr Shehzad Saleem has authored books on Islam, Quran, Hadith and Character Building. He has also translated some works of famous Islamic scholars and exegetes like Amin Ahsan Islahi and Javed Ahmad Ghamidi into English. He has also compiled a modular textbook on Qur’anic Studies, which was taught by him to graduate students (1999-2001). The textbook is available in course format at www.studying-islam.org. It comprises course topics as: Revelation of the Qur’an, Theme of the Qur’an, History of the Qur’an, Arrangement of the Qur’an, Language of the Qur’an, Interpreting the Qur’an.He has translated some works of Amin Ahsan Islahi (d. 1997) and Javed Ahmad Ghamidi into English.

Consultation with Dr. Saleem

The Ghamidi Center of Islamic Learning is proudly announcing the commencement of free consultation sessions for parents, married couples, and teenagers by Dr. Shehzad Saleem.

Ask Dr. Saleem

Are you someone who is looking for guidance and support?

Our monthly session with Dr. Shehzad Saleem is here to help! Join us once a month for an hour-long session where you can ask any questions or raise any issues you may have about Islam such as basic beliefs, the Qur’an and its teachings, the role of prayer, and other practices, to name a few.

Dr. Shehzad Saleem will be available to offer wisdom, advice, and support. Don’t struggle alone – come and join our supportive community and find the answers you’ve been seeking.

Textual Study of the Qu’ran

Textual Study of the Qur’an series comprises a close reading of the written text, analysis of its structure, and style, language examination of its historical and cultural context, and interpretation of its meaning.


Educational Courses

Islam Study Circle – (English)

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month | 11:00 AM CDT

 Islam Study Circle: A lecture series comprising various segments discussing Qur’an, Hadith, Bible, and moral/social issues.

Topics of the week:
Qur’an: Truthfulness قرآن:سچائی
Hadith: Sympathy حدیث: ہمدردی
Bible: Forgiveness بائبل: معافی
Discussion: Overcoming Arrogance بحث: تکبر پر قابو پانا
QnA Session

Self Improvement Through The Qu’ran

GCIL offering 20% off on all our books collection and also 30% off on Bundles. Visit our official website to purchase our handpicked collection of Urdu & English books including thought-provoking titles by renowned scholars like Javed Ahmed Ghamidi and Maulana Ameen Ahsan Islahi.

Self Improvement Through The Qu’ran

GCIL offering 20% off on all our books collection and also 30% off on Bundles. Visit our official website to purchase our handpicked collection of Urdu & English books including thought-provoking titles by renowned scholars like Javed Ahmed Ghamidi and Maulana Ameen Ahsan Islahi.

Tours Schedule

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